The radical LGBT group, Human Rights Campaign, is hate-filled bully. Nothing but their selfish agenda matters, as all must think like them and accept them while any other belief is bigotry in their eyes.
After a coast to coast win for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges decision that mandated homosexual marriage for all 50 States, this hardcore activist group now wants to target Christian Universities and Colleges.
In 1972, Title IX amendments prohibited sexual discrimination in hiring, housing, and employment at schools receiving federal funds, while allowing religious schools to opt out of these requirements.
Certainly this right is protected under the First Amendment, so as to not impede the free exercise of religion on Christian campuses, yet the LGBT agenda will stop at nothing to force all who hold a different viewpoint, based on their religious beliefs, to submit.
Read how Christian campuses must fight this well funded and angry bully in order to uphold their religious freedoms as protected under the First.
Accusations, for example, is to state such without proof; Christians holding “death to fags” and actually killing gays logically doesn’t make it an accusation, it’s the truth.
Your comment is not of wisdom [op] but it is a hypocrisy to what you just posted. That wasn’t intelligent nor worthy of the respect you swear it did.
“Love does not hurt thy neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.”
Jesus said, “Live life by the law and you will find my father.”
So, question is, you think withe your blatant disrespect of another, in particular a group, will get you into the gates?
Wisdom is a fading art, my dear.
Acting like jackwagons does not endear anyone to their cause!
First of all read the bible. You know that book that you Christian Bigots claim to live. It states in their VERBATIM ALL OF SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVING IN HIM SHALL NOT PARISH BUT LIVE FOREVER. There no unless your gay clause in that. EVERYONE HAS SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF GOD. Trying knowing you’re own inspections before confronting anyone else.
I know that ain’t aimed at me. I’m no liberal, and I certainly didn’t call anyone a bigot here.
The Devil is having a Hay Day in the lives of lost souls. Only God can clean their hearts and give peases to all who accept His Love.
Silly faggots, dicks are for chicks.
they are dumb fags DUH.