On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
shot the vermin
kill them
Isn’t Germany one of those “Gun Free Zones” over there? They CAN’T shoot!
Muslim buddies
Should have shot those Muslims down
Drive them out DEPORT THEM if not they will be over run like $#%&!@*roaches and will be impossible to remove.
Because Washington is awash with them already. Many of them in the administration. Indiana congressman is a muslim.
coming to a city near you if we don’t fix it now
If Christians were to act like that in a mosque our president would say that is inexuseable …………….