On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Outrageous vandels.
satan is the enemy and it is the end of times, so people get ready we only serve one master!!!!!! it is imperative that your name is in the book of Life and that Jesus is your master!
Satan wouldn’t let this lot in
Kill them? You guys sound like them..
The Christians been killing and terrorizing for thousands of years.
That’s a lie.
i think they should call for an open season on all douche bag allah lovers
Put them on camels and send them to africa
They demand this response !
Obviously your lost!