On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
obama is a muslim, he would think it’s great. had it been my church, there would be a bunch of dead muslims.
It’s the Muslim extremists that are the problem.
Mr. O would tell us some fairytale about Islam and how peaceful the faith is.
When they act like this, they should be deported the SAME DAY !!
If we did the same thing , we would probably wind up in jail !!Remember one of their own is in the White House…
Better yet deport them all immediately !
hang the muslim trash
Wow that’s sad
Deporting Cost Tax Payers They Should Be Shot Then Run Through A Tree Mulcher.ASAp They Have Ignored Our Laws And Are Great So Called President Is helping Them.
They carried their guns to church in the 1800’s, need to start doing it again!! They didn’t tolerate any criminals either!!