On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Obummer would reward them withgovernment handouts if it happened here.
omg, get these animals away from people, they are really insane, Shoot every one of them, that’s the only way.
make a barbeque they just love pork bahahahah
To bad couldn’t kill the Muslim scumbags, of course people rise up and beat’m to Allah and GET their 72 sheep, goats or camels…no VIRGINS anywhere Male Muslims are!!!!!
Lord we need your help !
Why do we have to put up with this???????????????????
Isam is not a religion. It is an evil ideology and should be dealt with accordingly and with force and prejudice!
God forgive them
Oh no! And we have been told over and over that Islam is a peaceful religion!