On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Dennis Hibbard YOU ARE AN IDIOT cause what you have stated DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS AT ALL. You do not know your bible and you do not comprehend anything you read.
When are we going to fight back? The congregation should have stood against them.
Fist of all, Christmas is not suposed to be celebrated (Jer 10:3-4). Secondly, Santa clause, easter bunny, tooth fairy, ext are false deities. Third an final, listen to what your saying, seems like you people are the same as them ungodly!
Open the gas furnaces
Hitler would have done a better job at cleaning all muslims from Germany. Today Germans are $#%&!@*-wiped to muslim.
catch them and beat them to a pulp
More should stand up to them, they act like once they become Muslim they don’t have to act like human beings anymore.
I realize there are many Muslims who aren’t radical Islamists. What’s sad to me is that being a Muslim you don’t condemn what an increasing number (many, many millions) openly admit and confess to as their own beliefs based upon what they are being taught by the most radical and outspoken who have incited such violence and allowed the most horrific of acts against mankind to continue. The German people who were mostly “Christian” (Lutherans) in the time of Adolph Hitler were for the most part civilized, peaceful and good human beings who would never have themselves done such evil to their innocent Jewish neighbors .. but they did NOT oppose the dictator when he rose to power and was even elected by a majority not only in Germany but in Austria as well. As Hitler became increasingly more given over to his thirst for innocent blood and hunger for power over any human being who was within his reach most of the Western world stood by silently because nobody in the world could believe any real follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ would be capable of carrying out such barbaric and beastial crimes against another human being as had come to light and were being reported by the very few bold enough to “tell” the world what was really going on and what real Nazi teaching was all about.
Shoot first and ask questions later, if they weren’t killed ,then finish them off.
The congregation should have killed them on the spot.