On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Sharia law is anything but “good” and definitely not a law that comes down from Heaven and the Creator of mankind who teaches us to love one another, forgive, love even our enemies.
Can we deport them?
People who have brains and eyes to see, ears to hear and mouths to express what it is they see and hear in truth won’t ever be fooled by those who are wolves coming in only to devour and destroy the innocent. No pope, no king, no priest or prophet or anyone has a right to impose his will on another human. Not even God does that.
God is LOVE. He teaches us through the example of a Father who loves us not an oppressive dictator who demands worship from us.
Anyone who has that image of “God” has no clue as to Who the true God is.
Satan at Work, got a lot of Followers
And with these folks we are not supposed to meet violence with violence. ..even though that’s all they understand. …….we will not be sheep
Is it any wonder though that the way jihadists punish and slaughter their innocent victims is by beheading them? If they can’t force them to believe in a god who would force them to worship him then kill them if they don’t .. in other words if they dare use their own brain to think things through, use their own eyes to see what’s happening around them instead of blindly believing what other proponents of the “faith” tell them is “the truth” and use their own ears to listen to the rhetoric and threats being given to us through the “holiest of all” and most faithful followers of Mohammed’s teachings.. well, what can I say? everyone has a choice as to what it is you believe. What you can see and hear for yourselves and know for yourselves if you really want the TRUTH or what strangers would have you believe otherwise simply because they “say so”
Romans 12:19 Everyone has to make his Choice for the Good or Evil Side, time is Running Out, and the Eternal Governace to Begin Acts 15:14 – 17
Germans back to your Christian Foundations Martin Luther, Calvin and the End of Romes Rule