On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Nope, I’m in germany. How long are you in Oman for Josh?
Nooo I’m in Aberdeen sorry I thought that’s what you meant
Shoot every last one of them!
stomp them out
Oh haha never mind then :p
What I know about Islam is what I hear with my own ears and see with my own eyes coming from not only the reporters who are honest enough to cover the stories “politically correct” liberal media refuses to cover but from the people themselves who have lived under such oppressive law. I have many friends who have lived in Muslim countries and while they are in no way hateful or prejudiced towards Muslims they aren’t blind, deaf or stupid. they have witnessed the slaughter of Christians (the most innocent of people as they are worshiping and praying in their churches) The bombing of churches, hospitals and schools throughout Africa as Islam is being imposed on people who refuse to bow willingly to a god other than their own is witnessed and recorded daily for the whole world to see. What’s going on right now under ISIS and other radical Islamic leaders who are imposing Sharia on whoever won’t accept willingly such a barbaric, oppressive system of law is no different than what Hitler had done while imposing his “white supremecy theology” throughout Europe. There is a big difference between people who believe what is being told them by false witnesses or reporters wanting only to impose their own agenda or religious and political views on whoever is stupid enough to belive what they hear without first checking out the credibility of the “witness” and truth of his or her testimony and what true witnesses who’ve not only witnessed with their own eyes but captured on video of mass slaughterings, beheadings and forced conversion are faithfully reporting. Anyone who closes his eyes to Truth and chooses lies is a fool.
Time to remove any muslilm from the USA if they attack anyone or thing in any way. They do not own this country WE DO and they can and should be thrown out of any country that they have INVADED EVER and let them MURDER EACH OTHER OUT OF EXISTENCE and leave the rest of the world alone
As far as the crusaders are concerned there are two sides to every story. I’d imagine simply by watching the present day jihadists carrying out the teachings of “their prophet” and commandment to steal, kill and destroy anyone who refuses to embrace the teaching and convert to Islam we might get a picture of why it is there were “crusades” to begin with.
Kushal Ashar lmao dude the Irony