On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.
Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Cameron your an idiot. They have a country, more than one. Why do they wish to go to Western countries and live, then get offended when their beliefs aren’t catered too? Behead them ALL
What a horrible thing to do. I hope God forgives you.
Lets storm them all the time, not just at ramadan and the rest of their demonic services.
They would not pull that if I was there!
Cameron you are obviously an idiot. Why do they come to our country and other countries expecting for us to respect their beliefs when they obviously do not respect anyone else’s? Stay in the Middle East where their beliefs are already lived and shared. Get the fuch out of the west !!!!
Meet tnem words , actions, or fire arms. makes no difference. just do something.
Only teenagers that follow the leader whoever he is ????
Sorry to butt in aisha but this pissed me off: ISIS and the Taliban and Al Qaida make up such a tiny percentage of Muslims. Allah literally means God you ignorant t**t. It is the Arabic word for God. Allah isn’t some mystical different thing we worship.
No please, butt in some more <3 Eithaar
What is wrong with you people. Seriously educated yourselves. All you know about Islam is what you he media tells you and what you see the extremists:terrorists group say/do.