Seventh graders in Walton County, Georgia are learning the Five Pillars of Islam and the Shahid in what is supposed to be a comparison of world religions in Civics class, yet according to parents, no comparison was made. In fact, the statement that Allah is the same god in Christianity and Judaism was made, yet the Ten Commandments was not introduced as comparative literature to the Five Pillars.
Parents are irate. See the video on page 2.
Good article in “Liberty Unyielding” states that “Common Core is linked to global inititiatives funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Arab organizations.” It is the brainwashing of the next generation of Americans.
Although I don’t like the way this lesson is taught and I certainly wouldnt want my child taught “prayers” etc. I don’t think elementary students can grasp the concepts, but not sure a very basic overview of all religions would hurt. I see so many adults who have no idea what Sharia law is all about. Knowledge can be power.
I will burn any thing like this I see karon and all,Allah is just a dead freck,do not teach our children this c**p
And in Cochran GA American citizens were forced to remove a Christian flag
if allah is the same god worshipped by jews and christians why is everyone fighting?
Oh Lord. God forbid children learn about other cultures. Yes, we live in America, where the first amendment allows freedom of RELIGION! Our kids need to learn about other faiths so that they may understand.
Julia Schwartz
Readers need to look at question 3a .Islamist are Muslims. Everyone can have a difference of religious belief but when your local elected officials are receiving “kick backs” also known as political contributions to allow the indoctrination and infiltration of only one so called religion it then goes to being illegal. Taking bribes. Follow the money. Schools computer programs that you do at home with your children will have a privacy policy at the bottom of the page .Read it. Follow it. It will go to the top. Government military back to the traitor “elected official ” who sold your children’s souls to the devil to line their pockets. Confronting them and standing up for our children is and always be our responsibility. If you don’t control you child’s education standards the government will! Your States politicians sold the future of your children to them. Your job as a parent is to make them accountable for this sell out and not allow it. Stand up for your beliefs and your rights to do so while you still have them. ALLAH is not, nor will he ever be my god or the god of my children.
I would pull my kids out of school and home school them
It might not be a bad thing to educate on the enemy