Seventh graders in Walton County, Georgia are learning the Five Pillars of Islam and the Shahid in what is supposed to be a comparison of world religions in Civics class, yet according to parents, no comparison was made. In fact, the statement that Allah is the same god in Christianity and Judaism was made, yet the Ten Commandments was not introduced as comparative literature to the Five Pillars.
Parents are irate. See the video on page 2.
Where is the ACLU? you say Merry Christmas and they are out ready to sue. Why aren’t they out with their lawyers now?
keep fighting this parents
If all the parents would stand up and revolt against this, this would stop. Taxpayers are paying their salaries. What the hell is the matter with the parents. Why are they not protecting their children’s future?
Fire those people responsible for this c**p being in our classrooms. And get rid of the teachrs teaching it.
I would be suing the HELL out of this school system!!! No American child should have to learn about MuSLIME FILTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we wll soon be a muslim nation
They should be outraged!
NOPE!!!!!!!! UNgodly indoctrination …nip it in the bud or it will begin to bloom in these young minds! Call brain washing …slow but sure …
If our Savior Jesus Christ isn’t allowed in schools, this c**p certain ally isn’t!!!!!!!!!
YOU are so ignorant and stupid bombing innocent people all over the world and you even dont wanna know who and what they are. You have nothing learned from Korea or Vietnam, you deserve the worst hell, the same you create for all the others in the world!