Seventh graders in Walton County, Georgia are learning the Five Pillars of Islam and the Shahid in what is supposed to be a comparison of world religions in Civics class, yet according to parents, no comparison was made. In fact, the statement that Allah is the same god in Christianity and Judaism was made, yet the Ten Commandments was not introduced as comparative literature to the Five Pillars.
Parents are irate. See the video on page 2.
I Serve 1 God only!! His name is JESUS CHRIST!!!
You want to teach about your religion send your kids to a religious school! Islam, Jewish , catholic whatever . Public school isn’t for this . I don’t care if you practice voodoo have at it , but public school is for math, geography , chemistry , etc. If my kids brought this c**p home someone at that school would be looking for new work .
the united states of islam
fire the board and take their retirements.
burn that Muslem school .
No muslim teaching in our schools this is our country our AMERICA
This is America stand up be strong.
Great illustration! So very true about the USA’s biggest traitor.
Time to stop all Muslim indoctrination in the us this Obama scheme to reeducate children away from Christian beliefs.
still not on main stream media ,so many still in the dark about this