Seventh graders in Walton County, Georgia are learning the Five Pillars of Islam and the Shahid in what is supposed to be a comparison of world religions in Civics class, yet according to parents, no comparison was made. In fact, the statement that Allah is the same god in Christianity and Judaism was made, yet the Ten Commandments was not introduced as comparative literature to the Five Pillars.
Parents are irate. See the video on page 2.
Not a religion,cult
If my kids got an assignment like that, I would pull my kids out of the school so quickly it would make a Liberal’s head spin.
you can say no or is it to hard whos in charge of your kid you or the school.
Its Indoctrination
Michele, I would have to point out, in this particular situation, lessons like Constantine and Martin Luther. Normally I wouldn’t admit to this, but this situation is more historical than indoctrination.
What about this teaching of religion in school ?
For this one particular situation, I have to point out that there is a certain necessity of historical knowledge in order to have the proper respect for those of this faith. One thing that is true it’s just a comparitive few extremists versus the entire faith. But then when the rest won’t condemn those few and with a sympathizer, at the least, in office, the overall respect they deserve is minimal.
Islam is a Cult which is based on the worship of false idols. They make up their own devious and sadistic rules and demand that everyone abide by them, especially Christians.
Equal time for Ten Commandments
I went to the largest public school system in the country & there was absolutely no religion taught whatsoever . There were students of all faiths that attended but no religion was taught that’s why there are religious schools & if you choose to send your kids there good for you but