With the advent of LED lights, government officials in New York are now thinking of using this technology for “Smart-City” grids that could collect immense amounts of traffic data. The ACLU, of course, is worried about the implications of such a plan. According to Truth In Media:
“Using a combination of LEDs and big data technology, public lighting is the potential backbone of a system that could use billions of fixtures to collect data about traffic congestion at an intersection or a consumer walking down the cereal aisle, to name just a couple of applications.
[…]Despite the perceived benefits of LED bulbs, the technology can be turned into a tool for surveillance. The ACLU stated that they strongly oppose “the creation of infrastructures for ubiquitous mass surveillance including the widespread deployment of lightbulb spying technology.Given the limited use of the product as a lighting device and the broad scope of its tracking and surveillance features, what this product really appears to be is a mass surveillance device being disguised as an LED light bulb.”
[…]Critics believe the devices will surreptitiously record innocent individuals conversations. It has already been shown that the devices can record conversations of those walking in range of the microphones. In 2014 CBS San Francisco reported that the Oakland Police Department was able to record a dying man’s last words using the ShotSpotter system. Oakland Privacy Working Group lawyer Brian Hofer told CBS that the OPD originally denied the ShotSpotter’s ability to record voices. A similar situation took place in New Bedford, Mass., and proved that the devices do invade privacy.
What do you think? Was George Orwell right in “1984”? Are we headed towards a world of zero privacy and mass surveillance?
Source: Truth In Media
I’m a law abiding citizen. However I resent the hell out ‘nanny’ looking over my shoulder to make sure I am while ignoring the criminals!
We know this. If a person doesn’t want to help them watch, we are going to have to get rid of computers, and cell phones, and the new tvs. I know they can spy on whoever they want via cable and satelite..they have done all they can to steal our privacy.
I am a non partisan..AMERICAN CHRISTIAN.
I should have said CHRISTIAN first