Both the Republican and Democrat parties are facing insurgent, outsider candidates, as perhaps neither party has ever before seen. And Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may have a lot more in common than just about anyone would expect them to. While their policies differ, they both have extremely fervent supporters, and their roles as outsiders are causing quite a stir in their respective parties.
Donald Trump remains the clear frontrunner in the GOP primary, and appears to be the only candidate realistically capable of winning the magical 1,237 delegates to avoid a contested convention.
On the Democratic side, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders–who technically wasn’t even a Democrat until 2015–has gained enormous momentum following a string of recent primary victories that have him gaining on the once-inevitable nominee, Hillary Clinton.
In an election cycle already fraught with allegations of fraud, including accusations of tampered voting machine software, voters are now crying foul in March’s Arizona Democratic Primary, which–you guessed it–went in favor of the establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton.
To read what has Arizona voters so upset to the point they were actually crying in line at the polls continue on the next page:
California and today…. New York! choose Bernie’s $15 hr. min. wage! Not Hillary’s $12 hr. proposal. The biggest, most important state (CA) rendered Hillary obsolete before she is even finished interviewing for the job (campaigning), dictating her next flip flop for her. Cities / states are for $15. None are choosing $12 hr. Bernie gets things right in the beginning, when it matters. He gets that $12 hr. does not cut it for a single parent with dependents in any part of the USA and everyone agrees.
Hillary, “progressive” for 8 months. Bernie, progressive for 50 years… Do you really know the candidates?? Seriously now… maybe why you never hear Bernie saying he “needed to evolve” with “learning moments” yuh think??Bernie has foresight and good judgment in the beginning, when it matters. Hillary blows BEHIND the social / political winds. She then apologizes later to make it all better.
She is a centrist with bad judgment. Nothing more. We expect the leader of the free world to have Bernie’s judgment and character. There are no redeeming qualities Hillary possesses. Except we are told she has a v****a.
Hillary flip flop, judgment mistakes: TPP, Iraq, Libya, Patriot act, Afghanistan, DOMA/Gay rights, Syria, Keystone pipeline, War on drugs, Carbon Tax, No Child left behind, Bank Bailouts, Campaign finance/citizens united (has pacs and superpacs now!), NAFTA (said it was a bad idea), Crime Bill (apologized for ‘superpredator’ gaffe, crack-cocaine sentencing disparity), welfare reform bill (apologized for), Banking reform (wants to make it more expensive for traditional banks to be big, shadow banking reform only), Wall street reform (has nothing here yet, a future flip flop), death penalty (still confused on this one and will come to Bernie’s stance soon), fracking (also still confused, will move to Bernie’s stance), Immigration (voted to kill the bill after backing it initially)….. regarding the TPP, she will again be for it once elected. Why? Corporations wrote and enforce the TPP terms. Corporations write her platform…. Compare. Decide. Vote.
Can you believe the new Vegas odds????
they did it<<<<<
Vote trump
Truth And Action…I got 4 percent, and you? Test now
osOYDKR (y) start now. ~~>
Tks ad with post: Very raucous hearing……
It’s TRUE’s even going on in WISCONSIN RIGHT NOW
Election fraud is nothing new. In 2012 some towns had more Democratic votes than registered voters.
The amazing part is the Liberals push this garbage out there and people will believe it
How about the odds on the Hillary being in prison before the election