The Department of Education has been on a crusade since the 1970s when President Jimmy Carter first created the bloated 6,000+ government employee administration in authority over all state-controlled public schools. What is that crusade?
Remove the Christian God from the lives of children.
The public school system…even the entire government itself…operates under a false premise that the State (government) and Church (Christian/Judaic faith) are legally bound to separation. This is a fallacy. There is no actual law, Constitutional or otherwise, that dictates a separation of church and state. Although, no doubt, the Huffington Post will disagree vehemently, the fact remains that history is history and truth is truth.
There is legal doctrine developed over the last 50 years that is completely hostile toward religion and religious based ideals. It started with the Supreme Court and continuously escalated and evolved from there to a modern-day interpretation of the true meaning of the First Amendment. As is always the case, anytime prayer or God are mentioned in conjunction with a government entity, there is always the call of “separation of church and state” without the realization that there is no such law.
The “freedom of religion” tenets of the Founding Fathers have gradually been whittled away into a belief of “freedom FROM religion,” making faith the outlier rather than the catalyst. The greatest upheaval of the American slavery system was solely due to the efforts of the church and the Christians who believed it to be wrong. The greatest period of enlightenment in the United States was that which was initiated by the church and its pastors and ministers who withstood ridicule and violence in order to effect change (incidentally, the very same change that Liberals today tout as their shining achievement).
The public schools have devolved into a social experiment with its main purpose to determine how completely it can wash the young mind of its connection to faith and God. However, in that social experiment runs the deep, dark and secret agenda of the Leftist manifesto of introducing to the American youth an alternative to traditional Christian/Judaic belief systems.
Over the past decade, there has been a specific and concerted push to help make Islam the preferred faith of children in school. It’s not clear exactly why they would want this, but one could surmise that they are doing so based solely on the fact that Islam is nearly the polar opposite of those traditional “White European” religious beliefs and this, in and of itself, is anathema to Progressivism and the modern Democrat Party.
The effort has now reached a boiling point and the parents of America are fighting back. One parent, Chris Wyrick of San Diego, California noted that his son was being forced to study pro-Allah material at his elementary school and took umbrage with that fact. He wrote an impassioned speech and took to the podium of the school board .
Islam must be banned…period.
So glad to hear that people are waking up to what this evil, vile cult is up to!!
Sharia is banned
Go parents
What about American student Don’t you owe them much more than Muslim students?????
Also noyify DeVos and Mr. Trump.
Not if they are illegals
. . Adapted from
Dr. Peter Hammond’s book….
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam:
(percentages have been recently updated)
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well..
Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
It is a trick.
Australia. — Muslim 2.7%
France. — Muslim 7.5%
Germany — Muslim 5.8%
England — Muslim 6.0%
Canada. — Muslim 3.2%
Norway. — Muslim 3.5%
China. — Muslim 1.8%
Italy. — Muslim 1.8%
United States — Muslim 1%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Russia. — Muslim. 10%
Denmark — Muslim 4.8%
Germany — Muslim. 5.8%
England. — Muslim 5.02%
Spain — Muslim 4.2%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for
Muslims.They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply.
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The ULTIMATE GOAL of Islamists
is to establish Sharia law over the
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions.
In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections. FRANCE
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks,
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels.
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and evenv. some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim.
– [ ] COPY AND PASTE THIS ARTICLE. The more people become aware of this agenda the better.
It ‘s not wise to try and indoctrinate our children into islam, There would be hell to pay if it happened to my child. What exactly are you protecting muslim students from? Whatever your hairbrain scheme is keep our children out of it.
How in the world can a school implement a code like that. Isn’t that what he state does.