When the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered a catastrophic breakdown in 2011 due to a tsunami, many Americans were concerned about radiation finding its way across the pacific and into the West Coast. The liberal media avoided publishing information about this, and the publications that did, assured the American people that we wouldn’t be seeing any fallout for years. Within months Fukushima radiation showed up off British Columbia, and according to a study published in 2014 by the National Academy of Sciences, it’s been continuing to drift this way ever since. According to newer research, an increased number of sites off the West Coast of the United States are now showing signs of contamination. The sampling from that research shows the highest detected levels to date, from waters nearly 1,600 miles west of San Fransisco. The question now is why are such high radiation levels considered 500 times lower than the United States government’s safety standard for radioactivity in drinking water?
Read why this new data is important on the next page.
its all over the world we are all doomed
Every liberal run city has eroded and is in decay. Snowflake
This is how the Godzilla movies always started.
Oh for Christ sake, when you start an article with an obvious lie, and cap the lie by blaming it on the non-existent liberal media, you immediately lose all thinking readers. Of course you know that
Trump is STILL your President…
Just another story that has not been reported by MSM
Cause the 3000+ nukes this planet has had blown up within its atmosphere means nothing.. But heaven forbid radiation is leaked by mistake… We’re all gonna die! SOON!
You know there has been over 3000 nukes blow up on earth since 1940s
Over 3000 have been tested since the 40s
This is going to be around for a very long time. Fish are affected,and the fishing industry is going to suffer. They won’t tell you about the number of people who have already lost their lives because of it. And you won’t hear a word about how it’s affecting their babies. Fish and rice are a main food source in Japan. Of course they are suffering.