When the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered a catastrophic breakdown in 2011 due to a tsunami, many Americans were concerned about radiation finding its way across the pacific and into the West Coast. The liberal media avoided publishing information about this, and the publications that did, assured the American people that we wouldn’t be seeing any fallout for years. Within months Fukushima radiation showed up off British Columbia, and according to a study published in 2014 by the National Academy of Sciences, it’s been continuing to drift this way ever since. According to newer research, an increased number of sites off the West Coast of the United States are now showing signs of contamination. The sampling from that research shows the highest detected levels to date, from waters nearly 1,600 miles west of San Fransisco. The question now is why are such high radiation levels considered 500 times lower than the United States government’s safety standard for radioactivity in drinking water?
Read why this new data is important on the next page.
Ill give it 2 years , iff 100% true and no biased media behind it & all the crops will be gone.. But if this is true , why arnt japanese people doeing yet (i havent herd of 1) from radiation ??
6 fucking years.. and I never heard about it at all till last year. And seeing the reports, graphs, images, etc shows that it’s not a joke.. that it is very serious. So why, in six years, have they only been gathering data instead of actively trying to stop it from going any further and removing the plant and it’s contents?
By now it’s already too fucking late.
Don’t blame trump. This one isn’t his fault or doing, he’s just doing what the rest have been doing.. denying that it’s a big deal. Unless you can provide documents that he owns the power plant. No.. we’ve still got plenty of things to blame trump for that really are his to bear.
Stupid. The media has really brain washed some people.
I have been screaming about this for 5years as well as the sailors on the American ship that was moved in after the disaster who all have radiation cancer. Let’s not forget 3 years ago the ocean bottom was full of dead fish for hundreds of miles. So ask yourself why is the only country to offer help was Russia. It set off all the radiation meters across America.obama had them shut off and reset for them not to go off from it.he also raised the level of radiation that can be in our food. As well as the toxic levels of chemicals in product from china so they could get rid of their chemical stock piles..If you still trust your goverment blindly you need to remember what MLK said……The truth shall set you free
Wake up get on line thousands are dead..And by the way radiation meters in all markets in Japan to test food they buy but I am sure you did not read that either
Jeremiah Pickens who
I am curious as to the ratio of gallons of contaminated water to the gallons in the ocean, 1:758,863,957,291,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or something close, so how much dilution does it take to reduce the hazard factor?
Good By California. Thats a Good thing.
Don’t eat the salmon for a long time..I may be glowing due to the crabs I’ve eaten…yikes…eat local nc fish ..oh yaya