When the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered a catastrophic breakdown in 2011 due to a tsunami, many Americans were concerned about radiation finding its way across the pacific and into the West Coast. The liberal media avoided publishing information about this, and the publications that did, assured the American people that we wouldn’t be seeing any fallout for years. Within months Fukushima radiation showed up off British Columbia, and according to a study published in 2014 by the National Academy of Sciences, it’s been continuing to drift this way ever since. According to newer research, an increased number of sites off the West Coast of the United States are now showing signs of contamination. The sampling from that research shows the highest detected levels to date, from waters nearly 1,600 miles west of San Fransisco. The question now is why are such high radiation levels considered 500 times lower than the United States government’s safety standard for radioactivity in drinking water?
Read why this new data is important on the next page.
It might create GODZILLA!!!!!!!
Two things need to be noted: 1. There is absolutely no coverage of the fallout over the Hawaiian islands, statistics and details are almost impossible to find. 2. Japan/Tepco admits that radiation levels are now so high that they are virtually unreadable. This fact is proven because Geiger counters in the containment building can no longer measure the radiation. They also admit that there is virtually no way to end the destruction because the technology to do so is currently impossible. (Sidenote) Spent fuel containment pools in several buildings are openly spewing radiation into the air and cannot be stopped. Remember the Earth? It used to be such a nice place to visit, but I don’t think I’ll go there any more.
Where are all of the environmentalists? Is this a problem for the environment or not? No political advantage to gain so they couldn’t care less!
funny I just heard last night that this is not true……… if true, don’t you think they would do something about it? This has been a scare tactic for quite awhile now
On background radiation, I’m still$#%&!@*8 in Tacoma.
Sad how many Sheeple are on here “Defending” liberal Media like that will change the Facts THEY ARE NOT REPORTING ON IT!?!?!?
You are what’s Wrong with the World ya Dam Sheep!
92% of all MSM is owned and controlled by the same Elite 6 Elitist period!
Seriously…you’re gonna be worried about this one incident? Watch this video….this one incident is just the tip of the iceberg….
And people are yet so gullible to believe what the government tells you to believe.
You gunna believe me or your lying-eyes?
We don’t believe in junk climate science, get your head out of your$#%&!@*
Geb Sorrells,its really not that bad “` will go away in about 20’000 years