Updates about the fallout from Fukushima are no where in the mainstream media. Yet, all the radiation that got dumped into the Pacific Ocean didn’t just disappear. From Alaska extending down through the Southern California coastline, high levels of radioactive cesium, have been detected.
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Actually Connor some of the leading experts on the field have quite literally proven it is..
Does anyone not remember the tons of water they used to cool down the reactor? But all of a sudden its a conspiracy because it most it spilled into the ocean. Cant ignore all the problems of the world, this planet is our home.
That appears to be a tsunami map, not radiation
Oil is non sustainable – non renewable. We must change as hard as it may be. There is no other way for future generations. Tesla had the solution but it was not a big money maker so J.P. Morgan pulled his funds for clean free energy.
So, it begins. Its here. The Radiation Nightmare has already begun.
I’m glad the japs are sharing their radiation with California
Can anyone figure the ratio of how many parts of nuclear waste to the amount of water in the ocean.This to me is just like global-warming not enough evidence but will scare a lot of people.
The Pentagon wants $678M to refuel 2 reactors on a Nimitz cl$#%&!@* carrier… (How many Nuclear Carriers do we have.. 13?) Not cost efficient…
@[1005315077:2048:Hilda Gonzalez Hernandez]
Anyone with basic knowledge of oceanography and the flow of the major ocean curents will tell you that this is B S. Currents in the southern area below the equator flow in a counter clockwise direction and would not show an unbroken line from the north.