Updates about the fallout from Fukushima are no where in the mainstream media. Yet, all the radiation that got dumped into the Pacific Ocean didn’t just disappear. From Alaska extending down through the Southern California coastline, high levels of radioactive cesium, have been detected.
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What can be done about this ?
Bomb Japan again
Check your sources
yet another valid reason to not visit the pacific coast! so sad
i live in Cali , and this is another reason why i never go to the Beach anymore or outside when it rains
So I guess the next thing is that some Liberal will attempt to blame it on Global Warming?
By the way, don’t you imagine that with the quan$#%&!@*y of water between Japan and North America, combined with ocean currents, might not have DILUTED the radioactive elements by now? Come on use your brain….
i wish it would all go to those liberal neo $#%&!@* minded sanctuary cities in californina, then id say SO ??
3 eyed fish coming your way cali