Updates about the fallout from Fukushima are no where in the mainstream media. Yet, all the radiation that got dumped into the Pacific Ocean didn’t just disappear. From Alaska extending down through the Southern California coastline, high levels of radioactive cesium, have been detected.
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wait until iran blows a few off
Hey, anyone remember this, its not a hurricane
Must of been all of those bananas…
Why not just cut back on its use?
Oh the libtars will blame on gobble warming .
No big deal though. At least everyone knows what the Jenner/kardashian skanks got for their bdays
Wow, very surprised to see this on fb. due to the complete media blackout. Most people have no clue that his is STILL happening
Oil is not sub sustainable. We have growing population and other countries are going to start using oil also. So yeah right now we are fine. What happens when amount of vehicles doubles?
Why doesn’t the tesla theory be put to the test? Everyone still blind to such?
Let’s quit using nuclear power and go to solar and wind and hydroelectricity.