Updates about the fallout from Fukushima are no where in the mainstream media. Yet, all the radiation that got dumped into the Pacific Ocean didn’t just disappear. From Alaska extending down through the Southern California coastline, high levels of radioactive cesium, have been detected.
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tuna with cancerous boils and lacerations
You do know this is not a map showing “radiation” leaks, it’s a map actually showing where the Sunami waves were spreading.
I could not believe it when I saw on TV Japan putting the radio active reactor into the ocean like that was going to stop the half life of the radiation.
A few friends of mine live out in Cali. And they haven’t said one peep about it. Maybe it’s a hysteria ploy?
Do your research and study before you make such absurd and hyperbolic statements.
Nuclear reactors are eventually supposed to be shut down after a couple or several decades of use. However the rectors are not getting shutdown and some are near fault lines. I believe we should have nuclear reactors but more safety should be implemented.
Are you fluctuating in my direction Jim Patch?
Now I understand why my tuna glows.
Oil IS sustainable. It’s one of the biggest fallacious myths. The earth constantly produces oil. Wells that were thought to be dry decades ago have refilled with oil. It’s an ongoing natural process. Just like if you empty a water well, the water in the system seeps back in.