Updates about the fallout from Fukushima are no where in the mainstream media. Yet, all the radiation that got dumped into the Pacific Ocean didn’t just disappear. From Alaska extending down through the Southern California coastline, high levels of radioactive cesium, have been detected.
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can anything be done about the radiation in the ocean??? stupid Japanese
You all wonder why there are so many dead whales washing up on the west coast
man will difile the earth make it inhabitable..progressives dont care it kills people
30 dead whales have washedup on aAlaskan beaches since April this year…The media is hiding it…
There would have to be a world wide effort to try to stop this,our children are screwed for any possible future. Cancer will be rampant in the next 20 years.
Well I guess everybody in California will glow will cut down on lighting needed they been complaining about global warming.
There is no stopping it, man people are stupid
and everyone thinks nuclear is better than coal
This is BS. There is a full on covert battle to control energy production throughout the entire world. Without energy, most of us would be dead. Atomic energy is cheap and clean. It threatens to break up energy monopolies and thwart depopulation plans of the environmental dogmatists. You are all being manipulated and used.
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