U.S Army spokesman Lt. General Mark A. Milley spoke to press yesterday concerning the Ft. Hood shooting, admitting it took about 15 minutes to respond to reports of the shooter. He supported the policy, active since 1992, preventing US. soldiers from carrying concealed firearms on base.
At a press conference on the shooting, which left four dead and 16 injured, Lt. Gen Mark A. Milley was asked if the gun ban should be overturned.
“No, I don’t think soldiers should have concealed weapons on base,” he stated. “We have law enforcement agents and trained professionals and I don’t endorse carrying concealed.”
But he added that it took police “10 to 15 minutes” to arrive on the scene of the shooting, long after over a dozen people were shot.
“I think law enforcement acted very rapidly and swiftly given the nature of the circumstances,” he said.
But not as swiftly as an individual shooting back at an attacker. During a shooting, when mere seconds can mean life or death, minutes are an eternity.
The concealed carry prohibition, enacted in Feb. 1992 during the H.W. Bush administration, authorized only “qualified personnel” to carry firearms on base, such as law enforcement and others on “security duties.”
In short, this DoD policy turned America’s military bases into victim disarmament zones and gun bans in general exacerbate mass shootings by preventing law-abiding citizens from carrying weapons for their protection.
“Only the most out-of-touch radical would try to disarm soldiers,” Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Tx.) stated today, who introduced the Safe Military Bases Act which would overturn the policy. “It’s time to repeal this deadly anti-gun law before it creates another mass killing.”
Source: Infowars
Photo: RedFlagNews
what a bunch of $#%&!@*!! how stupid is that??
If he said otherwise, Obama would fire his sorry ass.
He’s crazy !!
Your an educated man, you are in charge of SOLDIERS, they carry WEAPONS, you trained them, maybe you didn’t do so good so you refuse to let them carry. YOU are an idiot, turn in your stars and get out!!!!
It be kinda strange to see armed soldiers walking around everywhere.I’m from a military family and my nephews were in Iraq
so I’m all for the Army.
It’s just that people aren’t all as mentally fit as we think they are
very true!
must be a new Obama general.
another puppet