This is not what one wants to read after consuming Nacho Cheese Doritos for lunch. On Thursday, Frito-Lay released that, for a limited time, it will show support for the LGBT community by offering rainbow colored Doritos.
It Gets Better, a non-profit started by Dan Savage, notorious for his bigotry and hate of Christians, will reap the proceeds of the sale of these chips. Move to page two to know how to avoid these odious chips.
They should call it FritoGay.
Barbara Gray I would never push it down anyones throat. Neither does the LGBT. A group that does are the “christians” whom believe Gods law is The law. Lol its funny in your second post that sounds exactly what God fearing people do. BTW thats not why they sue. They do not sue because you do not believe, they are sueing for rights that they should have. Your blind and deaf if you do not get that!
Well, guess that’s the end of my Frito treats.
I WILL boycott even though I’m only one person, if enough of us do it, they will suffer and maybe change their ways.
I will NEVER buy these again! That goes for Pepsi too!!!!!!
Uh, Bill Gates IS Catholic! And Steve Jobs was a Buddhist! Check your facts next time before you criticize the rest of us!
Not touching them!!
weii you’ve went to far this time if you want to be gay be gay.i don’t care but quit trying to shove it down my throat i’m straight not interested doritos just lost another customer