This is not what one wants to read after consuming Nacho Cheese Doritos for lunch. On Thursday, Frito-Lay released that, for a limited time, it will show support for the LGBT community by offering rainbow colored Doritos.
It Gets Better, a non-profit started by Dan Savage, notorious for his bigotry and hate of Christians, will reap the proceeds of the sale of these chips. Move to page two to know how to avoid these odious chips.
Bend over Doritos you not making enough money straight
What anti christanin bully no name no proof just another twist on words to get people to rilled up and post hateful comments towards lgbt people. If you guys were truly christian you wouldn’t sergate people you weehould love them a support a campaign that sought to promote love and acceptence unstead of hate and segregation. Jesus alway tauaghth the principle love Iiver law so we could be rest assured that if any christ an felt that the bible was telling them to cuase another person harm they could be rest assured that it was wrong.
i wont buy any more
Yup won’t by them anymore, this sucks because they are good but they don’t need to get into politics
He’ll no
Here’s some truth and action….Pepsi does NOT own Fritolay. PepsiCo owns Pepsi AND fritolay. If you’re gonna bash them at least be accurate.
They will not get my money for this garbage.
What happened with Starbucks?
Sorry Robin Flanders Sanders I am not banning Pepsi!!! I can’t do it!!! That’s the great thing about America!!! We can all choose!!!