This is not what one wants to read after consuming Nacho Cheese Doritos for lunch. On Thursday, Frito-Lay released that, for a limited time, it will show support for the LGBT community by offering rainbow colored Doritos.
It Gets Better, a non-profit started by Dan Savage, notorious for his bigotry and hate of Christians, will reap the proceeds of the sale of these chips. Move to page two to know how to avoid these odious chips.
Dont worry Jerry Geronimo Tirone..a gay man wont hit on you, why so upset? They are human. Human!
He’s sll over the place, ,,,must also be Obama – Bi-polar
Boycott the gay company.
They should change their company name to Frito-Gay while they’re at it.
Jerry Geronimo Tirone, actually it’s a she.
No actually you didn’t, I have love in my heart. I have honor and integrity.
Will never buy there c**p again !!
Wow Pauline Dodson very mature…lol smh
Silly theists
Let’s see if these gay doritos make up for the lost sales of other frito-lay products.