This is not what one wants to read after consuming Nacho Cheese Doritos for lunch. On Thursday, Frito-Lay released that, for a limited time, it will show support for the LGBT community by offering rainbow colored Doritos.
It Gets Better, a non-profit started by Dan Savage, notorious for his bigotry and hate of Christians, will reap the proceeds of the sale of these chips. Move to page two to know how to avoid these odious chips.
My father worked go PepsiCo. I haven’t supported them in years
Boycott yes….not fo0r the support of gay rights but for support of anti Christian groups…goodbye Pepsi.
Look Don I am just being honest here. It’s unnecessary and loaded with dye. I mean put a label on the bag that you are supporting this or that but to use massive quantities of food dye….you can’t not think about the reason you are eating pigment…..gross! This is food, sort of. Don’t alter the food. Just nuts!
good good good
I blocked Fanny Danny a long time ago. He must be getting paid by Homobama
Change the name to “Fruit-Lay”
Well now!!1 bought my last Pepsi today! !! Been drinking Pepsi since I was old enough to carry a 10 oz bottle!!!!!70 years!!!!!
Forget them
Amen Marlin Darnell.
Everyone has A fricken victim mentality. I am so tolerant, and by the way I hate that word because it implies I have to accept something that is not acceptable. If people can just live instead of shoving their$#%&!@*beliefs down everyone’s throat life could be decent but nooooo. Let’s take poison chips, give them carcinogenic dyes and convince those with an alternative lifestyle the company is on your side, wink wink. Enjoy! When you p**p the rainbow don’t run to the doctor. Just remember you are only making a statement. Yeah Frito Lay!