This is not what one wants to read after consuming Nacho Cheese Doritos for lunch. On Thursday, Frito-Lay released that, for a limited time, it will show support for the LGBT community by offering rainbow colored Doritos.
It Gets Better, a non-profit started by Dan Savage, notorious for his bigotry and hate of Christians, will reap the proceeds of the sale of these chips. Move to page two to know how to avoid these odious chips.
Don Johnson I’m ever so glad that you voiced your erudite opinion…bye the way…
Frito Gays! Lol…fags
Whatever Pauline so foolish in your thinking…ooops sorry I retort that, you have the right to remain silent…ooops I mean freedom of speech….smh lol
Yes, I’m in favor of national boycott of Doritos & Pepsi…!
WTH is wrong with people today, no respect for anything. What’s with the rainbow on the doritoes bags is that gay pride or something.
All you guys that are threatening to Boycott Frito Lay because you are anti-LGBT… do know that Mark Zukerberg is an Atheist right? So Facebook was created by an atheist. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both Atheist…Alan Turing was a Gay Atheist. So you are using a computer originally created by a guy atheist, and an operating system created by an atheist, on a social media site created by an atheist.
If you want to protest….Log Out.
I understand, but hey, it’s for a good cause. All of us can sacrifice a little to stand against the scum!
Keep pc out of our food and everything else. We know it is there just don’t shove it down our throats.
Screw them I won’t eat that c**p
I wonder if they going to make “flamin hot”.