Always on the prowl, the EPA doled out new environmental regulations. One set involves ozone levels, with immediate cries of “foul” about them from the get-go. They are foreseen to be the most expensive regulatory scheme in history. notes the Obama administration proposed a new draft of air pollution rules stating that business groups could face the costliest regulations of all time — setting up a test of how hard the president will fight for his environmental agenda against a newly strengthened GOP.
Read more about the impacts and the fight on the NEXT PAGE:
the whole system is corrupt and stealing tax payers money
Cons$#%&!@*utional amendment: no regulation shall become law until affirmed by a simple majority of both houses and shall be subject to annulment if rejected by 2/3 of the combined legislative bodies of the several states.
Honey I didn’t do it! lol
may be right. Prez Reagan said a tree caused more pollution than a factory.
of course they dont have to comply there part of the problem there also a govt agency$#%&!@*ents