It’s been said that America is more of an idea than it is a place. This naturally alludes primarily to the principles found in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. To a lesser degree, other writings of our founders such as the Federalist Papers go a long way to defining us as a people and as a nation.
Destroy any of that, as those on the left, the neocons, the Deep State, political-correctness aficionados, and increasing, some migrants wish to do, and we will cease to be American in anything but name. This would be a tragedy of incalculable proportions and one that must be resisted with all the resources the people can muster.
For an example of how this disintegration of a nation works, we need only look to selected Western nations in Europe, France in particular. Considering the direction in which that nation is headed, and the intensity of the efforts to move it that way, very soon France will only be identifiable by a word printed on maps.
More on page two.
FU Talmud
a bunch of poorly educated orange tards that swallow all his goo
You let them in
Why should we care? The French voted for more of the same.
If they only had a 2nd Amendment !
Where is their law enforcement
Dave, the best part of him ended up as a brown stain on the sheet
Eric……you on that $15,000 a month plan from your daddy George Soros, or the $15 an hour plan?……….
but at least some people (here in the States) can see what is in store for us if we allow this c**p to go unchecked , also when you disarm your citizens then the only people that will have guns is the police , military and the crooks … and sometimes it is hard to tell one from the other (Venezuela)
And obama brought in a few million to our country, he lied to Americans about the numbers and then hillary would of brought 500% more so we would be suffering like them except we would be killing them but still there was an article estimated muslims by hillary 5- 10 million.