The past few weeks have been filled with migrant violence as thousands of “refugees” have entered Western Europe in an attempt to escape from the Islamic State violence of their own homes.
With several reports and photographs surfacing of ISIS fighters waving flags within refugee camps and the unrest that has followed allowing so many into Western nations at once, it’s no wonder these governments are starting to regret their decision. In a surprising move, it appears France has become the first country to decide that enough is enough.
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Bullitt will cure this no country needs this Muslim trash
All I hear is send the refugees out. Ect. What’s wrong with you guys. Their human beings if they wanted to steal your land they would of done it long time ago but their problem is that our leaders are air striking Syria to get some rebels and on the process killed like 150 citizens. You guys are sick. How about you go to their land and see how long u last. They are not going for your jobs. They are running away from our leaders bombs. Font blame them couz our corrupt government decision and plus making them look like the bad guys. Okkkk Muricaaa.!
Good bulldozer them all down make them go back where they came from.
Antioch, Ca. used bulldozers on homeless vets camp… So why not illegal invaders?
Way to go!!!
Hay AMERICA can’t you take advice from the French ?
Dump boiling bacon grease on them camel turds!
we are United to take back America. corruption in the White house and Congress .we the people of America put them in office .now it’s time to take the corruption out of office .make A difference in government . for the good of people
Coming soon , to an American state near you, tickets on sale now.
Rock on France!