The past few weeks have been filled with migrant violence as thousands of “refugees” have entered Western Europe in an attempt to escape from the Islamic State violence of their own homes.
With several reports and photographs surfacing of ISIS fighters waving flags within refugee camps and the unrest that has followed allowing so many into Western nations at once, it’s no wonder these governments are starting to regret their decision. In a surprising move, it appears France has become the first country to decide that enough is enough.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
should be bullets as well
Here in The Republic of Texas, we have been going all over his Republic, as we are the only state that has a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE WHICH section 1 Article 2 says that ‘ALL POLITICAL POWER IS INHERENT IN THE PEOLE.THEY HAVE AT ALL TIMES THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO ALTER, REFORM. OR ABOLISH THEIR GOVERNMENT IN SUCH A MANNER AS THEY MAY THINK EXPEDIENT.YESTERDAY, SOME OF US MET WITH GOVERNOR ABBOTT AND HE SAID HE DID NOT THINK WE HAVE TIME TO WAIT UNTIL 2016. He says that we have workers right here in Texas, because of last summer’s “:invasions of the aliens.”Because they did not show up for their court dates, they owe the state of Texas some form of compensation and a border wall would do just that. We have a thing called our “Rainy day fund.”We begin to pick up these illegals wherever they may be found, give them a contractor and materials.To build the baddest and biggest wall you have ever seen complete with razor wire and a fence around it with electrical wires gong throughout it; It would make the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain pale in comparison after that is finished, since we cannot give naturalization, for as of now, only Congress can do that, but give them work permits and make sure we know where they are at all time. The Federal govt will not do itl so we must. Then hand a do not disturb in front of it, just kidding about that. But we do not believe for one moment they are fleeing Assad. as he has been gassing, killing his people from .And even during wartime in Vietnam, while we were fleeing on helicopters, we took mayhaps 100 all who we could hold. Obama and his acolyte Kerry has yet sold us a bill of goods this time costing us $6.8 billion dollars. And the wax was not even dry when the mullahs got on social media and claiming that “You stupid Americans, underneath ever refugee garb(like US tee shirts. jeans etc., will be a terrorist jihadist@!” I do take Obama at his word when he said that”THIS WILL BE THE LARGEST MUSLIM NATION.” HE HAS ALSO SAID THAT ,i HAVE A CORE SET OF PRINCIPLES THAT I have to be fulfilled in order to my salvation and that has to involve our collective salvation!” What kind of despot is that? I thought it was illegal to run as a Commie, pinko f*g that he is???
Dan The Navy Man
‘The Reward of 72 Virgin-ians’
The Reward of 72 Virgin-ians: Its Important to Listen!
Osama bin Laden went to heaven and was greeted by George Washington, who slapped him and yelled, “How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceived?”
Patrick Herny then approached and punched Osama in the nose.
James Madison entered and kicked him in the shin. An angry Thomas Jerrerson whacked Osama over the head with a cane.
The thrashing continued as John Randolph, James Manroe came in and unleashed their anger on the terrorist leader.
Suddenly, as Osama lay writhing in unbearable pain, an angel appeared.
“This is not what you promised me,” said Osama.
“Come on Osama,” the angel replied. “I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven.”
dswing1999 at 7:07 PM
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Coming to America soon! Very, very soon thanks to the dem/libs!
We Texans have been saying that for years… The terrorists are coming in through the southern border and the feds see doing nothing to help stop it! We are being invaded!
Time we meet them with bullets.
Anyone else think$#%&!@*had the right idea, just targeted the wrong religion?
We can use Joe nomoneymaker as a volunteer test subject. But all terrorist and their supporters, I would sign off on taking them out.
Guns will work better!