Should American journalists require a state license to do their jobs, a permit that gives them access to the freedom of the press enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution?
Senior US Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) seems to think so! He advocates a “media shield law” designed to “protect” journalists from court subpoenas and other actions that might compromise their sources. As Ben Swann points out in the video below, though, that puts the government in a position to control who is a government-accredited journalist – and who is not. Very, very dangerous.
Check out the video at the bottom, but first, a little sound bite on the topic from Neil Boortz:
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“But wait a minute, you say. There’s the First Amendment, there’s freedom of press. The United States government doesn’t license journalists.”“Well, think about this most Americans get their news from radio, t.v.; they get their news from entities licensed by the government, but let’s get to the journalists.”
“Chuck Schumer wants the government to, in effect, accredit or license journalists. Chuckie says the licensed journalist or the accredited journalist would get exemption from subpoenas and other legal requirements that may expose their confidential sources.”
“Do you want the government deciding which journalists are covered by this law and which are not?”
Source: Rare
Photo: Greg Hauenstein on Flickr
Time for him to leve offic , like now!!!!!!!
More blatant disregard for the Constitution…!
That would mean it’s time for one thing: FIRE!
Just need them to report the truth!! like the reporters did in the day’s of my youth
This is what the Democrats are planning for our country.
Another NUTCASE who should be fired !!!!
Why do we even have a constitution anymore. The congress doesn’t uphold it. Why don’t we the people uphold the constitution and fire each and every jackass in D.C.
Truth and action, than a picture of him! I just ate! Mamkes me sick toi look at this slimeball and elected crook!
Duce bags
United States of America (USA) is a “Blogger Nation”. The free press is “FREE” to say anything knowing the risk of lawsuit. No other nation on Earth offers this freedom under the United States Constitution (USC). However, we need a President and Congress who will enforce the law of the land. We are a blessed people, Dig!!! Antonio Ivan Easterling sends his respects.