Should American journalists require a state license to do their jobs, a permit that gives them access to the freedom of the press enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution?
Senior US Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) seems to think so! He advocates a “media shield law” designed to “protect” journalists from court subpoenas and other actions that might compromise their sources. As Ben Swann points out in the video below, though, that puts the government in a position to control who is a government-accredited journalist – and who is not. Very, very dangerous.
Check out the video at the bottom, but first, a little sound bite on the topic from Neil Boortz:
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“But wait a minute, you say. There’s the First Amendment, there’s freedom of press. The United States government doesn’t license journalists.”“Well, think about this most Americans get their news from radio, t.v.; they get their news from entities licensed by the government, but let’s get to the journalists.”
“Chuck Schumer wants the government to, in effect, accredit or license journalists. Chuckie says the licensed journalist or the accredited journalist would get exemption from subpoenas and other legal requirements that may expose their confidential sources.”
“Do you want the government deciding which journalists are covered by this law and which are not?”
Source: Rare
Photo: Greg Hauenstein on Flickr
Schumer is a piece of $#%&!@* , and New Yorkers elected him , ?
not sure how he got into office in the first place
Mr Long has it right
he can put his idea where the sun don’t shine
He needs a $1.50 solution.
there should sperm limits on Democrats………………………………..
Well, we have to have licenses for almost everything else in this country now–almost all of anyone’s business is licensed–its pathetic the amount of government control people have in our country. We are already a socialist nation is so many ways. I guess I should say, why does this not surprise me?
Eric; There certainly is a large limit on balls in Washington, so sperm should not be a future problem…