The French authorities are coming down hard on radical Islam after the 11/13 terrorist attacks that left 130 dead and over 350 injured. From USA Today:
The Interior minister said French authorities have conducted 2,235 searches, made 263 arrests and seized 334 weapons, including 34 military-grade weapons, since last month’s attacks on several bars and restaurants, a concert hall and the national stadium in Paris.
Let these numbers sink in as you read them and you will understand the seriousness of Islamists desire to ruin the western world. Over 2,000 searches seems tremendous to cover in such a short time. The number of arrests, 263, is pretty amazing too. That means 11% of the searches turned up a radical nut that made the authorities uncomfortable.
The best number is those weapons seized… 334 weapons, including 34 “military grade” weapons in this big gun control society. Almost 7% of the searched areas turned up weapons that were possessed by radical Islamists… in France. This used to be champagne country.
See the next page for more on the Mosque crackdown
Connect the dots…..
…. Obama’s citizenship has been questioned from the beginning. He has still not provided a legal birth certificate.
…. CAIR, the Muslim brotherhood, and INSA have all been proven to have funded terrorist groups.
…. Obama’s brother is a high ranking member of the brotherhood.
…. Obama has closed door meetings with all three groups.
….. Mosque owned by the groups received grants in the millions.
…. Obama pushes to bring in Syrian refugees, that other ISLAM countries won’t.
…. Obama says ISIS is contained just before the Paris and America attacks.
…. Obama’s appointed advisors on middle eastern countries…INSA
…. Obama says climate change is a bigger threat than terrorist.
…. Obama pushes for more gun control………………………..
.. Obama, CAIR, INSA, and the Muslim brotherhood are all part of an ISLAMIC plot to change this country to an Islamic country.
Americans especially have that “it can’t happen here” attitude. But yet it is happening right in front of us. And still half the people refuse to see it…. In Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, all these countries took in refugees and now are being terrorized by them, yet Americans still believe “it can’t happen here”. Our President makes deals behind closed doors with know terrorist funding groups yet ” it can’t happen here ” our government threatens our citizens with prosecution for speaking out about Islam yet ” it can’t happen here”. 14 people are killed by terrorist when the neighbors knew something was up ahead of time but to afraid of being persecuted for bigotry to say anything yet “it can’t happen here”. Facebook allows ISIS to use its sites to recruit new members and no one even ask why… yet ” it can’t happen here”
And now to the USA !!!!
BULLDOZE them all
But I thought it was a “Peaceful” religion (it is a religion, right).
We should be doing the same here.
There is only one way to deal with a cult of war and hatered
So you don’t think this is happening here. Dayton you are a dumb$#%&!@*if you don’t so stop forcing us to except radical Islam you should know they will never turn in the terrorists from there groups.
close them all
here one Leah Schell the proof is in the pudding
Putin has the right approach. Bomb mosques at Satan’s praise and worship time when it is full of His worshippers.