This is just another case of a kneejerk reaction in response to a scary national event. According to engadget:
Dubbed “French Big Brother” by opponents, the law will enable intelligence agencies to record any calls, text messages and internet activity using “black boxes.” They’ll be backed by the Prime Minister’s office and aided by French carriers, who don’t have much say in the matter. Authorities will also be able to execute wireless phone taps, install hidden cameras and more under the new laws. What most offends critics like Amnesty International, however, is the “warrantless” part. Though police and intelligence will need to consult a panel made up of judges, MPs and senators, their recommendations are not binding.
It’s sad to see that a country that is supposed to defend civil liberties is giving into the emotional reactions of the elite. The French population is adamantly against the law, with a petition garnering over 100,000 signatures against the law.
Do you think French politicians should listen to their citizens and strike down the law or do you think this new law is an appropriate measure taken to keep people safe – despite its unpopularity?
Source: engadgetÂ
don’t do it France people, it leads to erosion of citizens rights and liberties
heart breaking as france was such wonderful ally in freeing america