The French government is trying to push a narrative that primes their citizens for war, and they’re beginning to censor alternative media sites who refuse to adhere.
What happened to ordinary French people (and their way of life) after the recent Paris attacks? All the mainstream media are concerned with ten days after the event is making sure that public support for the increased war effort is high. We need more footage of ambulances, their sirens blaring and lights flashing. Put it on loop, 24 hours a day, with sad images of people crying and laying wreaths, then throw in some fear in the form of some ugly-looking jihadists, and the population will be cheering on another foreign mission in no time at all.
While all that’s going on, the Government invariably rush through tougher new laws against terrorism. And if history can teach us one thing, it’s that modern terrorism laws are actually anti-civil liberty laws in disguise. Today, with perfect timing, the French version of We Are Change was censored. This is a worrying and unprecedented crackdown on the alternative media in Europe, and one which French bloggers fear is the beginning of the end for freedom of speech.
‘Le Blog De Resistance‘ is a popular French-language alternative news source with over 10 million hits and thousands of regular subscribers. The author, who calls himself Z, has been in panic mode since a state of emergency was called after the Paris attacks. This high-level alert was extended for three months, along with a pro-war propaganda campaign and the media under strict orders to terrify the population like never before. While chaos continued outside, the French Government locked themselves away to discuss new legislation which would affect the alternative media in a very negative way.
Without alternative media, France may be able to push their agenda without the French people knowing any different.
Source: TrueActivist
It’s because they tell the truth, it’s what main stream media won’t show or tell.
Look out. I “know” they spy on us.
Can’t let the truth out that’s why