The German and French responses to the attacks in Paris yesterday have been mixed, as the leaders of both nations strive towards ensuring the security of their citizens from further terrorist attacks as well as trying to avoid the pitfall of targeting ‘innocent’ migrants – however many that may actually be…the migrants are all composed of young men of military age.
French President Francois Hollande declared the attacks as an “act of war,” while Germany’s vice-Chancellor has warned against giving into fear and targeting Muslim migrants with crackdowns.
This, however, comes on the revelation that one of the terrorists in the Paris attacks was a migrant who had come to Europe just six weeks ago, lending credence to the warnings that ISIS members would use the cover of the migrant crisis to exact their designs to terrorism.
Find the deatils of the French and German responses on page 2.
If the number of extremists were that high, there would be a higher domestic death toll in the middle east. Hell, there would be more activity in the whole world if the population of jihadist extremists was that high.
Paul, Qu’ran is not the only book that teaches violence on non believers. You are right. But it leads the only group acting on it. 95% of wars in the world (and history) one side is Muslim. Christians live with Jews, Jews live with Hindus, Hindus live with Buddhists, Buddhists live with atheists, atheists live with agnostics: Muslims kill everyone. Muslims don’t even live with less devote Muslims. If you think the violence of Muslims is anything compared to any other group, you are a special kind of stupid.
We know the truth. Just wish EVERYONE would realize it too
read the verses in the book of quran & it will show u all muslims are extremists & i have already been told by many ex muslims never ever trust any muslim …. and im not gone to either !!
The veterans and patriots will prevail because we are Gods crusaders against evil
Paul, you can believe the number of extremists is anything you want. Every intelligence agency in the world says you are wrong, but go ahead and believe it.
I think it is time France begins carrying weapons again.
Your photo is very old,lol
Get ready US!
Yes, Paul, most of the rest of the world stands up, even if their governments do not. In China, Islam is illegal to teach to children. In Burma, muslims can’t vote. In nearly every non-muslim country with muslim populations, the people don’t like or want the muslims. Why? Because they cause nothing but problems for the entire country. China and Burma know if Islam is allowed to be taught and grow more “radicalized” people will be created because Islam is a radical belief system.
Non-believers and sinners are two completely different groups, and violence and punishment are two completely different things. You’ve confused them. I don’t know which other book preaches violence against either group.