In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s first dust up with Megyn Kelly, Trump instituted a self-imposed boycott of Fox News in which he adamantly refused to appear on any of the network’s programming, regardless of Kelly’s involvement on the shows. While the boycott didn’t last long — save for the still ongoing feud with Megyn Kelly — it climbed the latter all the way to Fox’s top executives, as they and Trump tried to negotiate a truce that eventually brought him back to the network.
Well it appears as if that first battle may have been just a small sample of the outright war Trump may be about to unleash on Fox News after they refused to dump Megyn Kelly from Thursday night’s moderation panel.
While the focus of his anger so far remains squarely on the debate itself, supporters following this week’s events are beginning to turn a inquisitive eye toward Fox News’ supposed bias against Trump, and the values he represents.
Breitbart has published what may be the first of many conservative-led attacks on Fox News. See who they think is pulling the strings over at Fox News, and the secret agenda he’s peddling on the next page:
Rupert Murdoch is the top man at Fox , he is calling the shots. Trying to take Trump out. Let’s get behind Trump.
In the event no one has noticed, obama is the one who ordered the open borders – happened when he stopped the building of the fence shortly after he was placed in office. He had Janet Napalitano make the announcement before having her step down from her Cabinet position, replacing her with someone else. His usual M.O. when dealing with something himself, but not wanting to be tired or associated with it.
obama did promise he would get to Fox because they were a thorn in his side – evidently he did, as their entire demeanor has changed.
Yes, they are – Saudi Arabia — other stations and news sources are also covertly owned by foreigners and have been for years, un-beknown to be general public until now.
does he not watch the news these people do not apreciate being in other countries they do not know how to handle freedom they think that means they can do what they please you know rape killing peeing and crapping where they please disrupting lives you don’t under stand we have had enough they have nothing to do with the prosperty of this country and other countrys but believe they are intitled to it .it does not help that goverments won’t help there own who help buil this country but want to give it away
Can anyone else hear Cyndi Lauper or Phil Collins singing, “I see your True Colors?”
Boycott Fox Debate and Megan
They’ve been marching us toward a OWO for 20 years or more. Prez Clinton with the first TPP, bush with the North American trade agreement . That’s why the open borders. Congress has provided money for a wall for years and it never gets built. Bush had his travel route in Texas from Mexico to Canada , but it was squashed. Now AZ is putting together their plan for route 11 from Mexico to Canada. Now we see TSA doesn’t bother checking visas or customs coming in from Mexico. That’s how it started. North American union. we’ve had no check points with EU. Why is that? Bush Was herding us toward this one world government. With Obama, he’s just outright blatant about it and taking our sovereignty away and flooding our country with foreigners. First he apologized to the world for our arrogance, then he divided our country and is promoting us to fight with one another, more foreigners are working in this country than Americans. the new agreements that are being signed by our congress are all back room deals. The new TPP is a disaster. Gives all the power to other countries and the WTO (UN). They are literally selling our land and mineral rights to other countries right under our noses. They make deals and take them to the UN for approval before they bring them here. If we don’t stop it now, we won’t be able too. We will become a Muslim country and join the rest of the world in doing so under the direction of the UN. Right now Putin and China are standing strong against this but … This admin is setting us up for a takeover. If people would just stop watching the kardashians and look up from their phones, they could see it. Apparently our congress doesnt see it either. Wonder what they are doing? We have to march on Washington this spring. I hope somebody promotes it. I scream at my reps but they don’t bother even answering me anymore.
Found this to be interesting.