In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s first dust up with Megyn Kelly, Trump instituted a self-imposed boycott of Fox News in which he adamantly refused to appear on any of the network’s programming, regardless of Kelly’s involvement on the shows. While the boycott didn’t last long — save for the still ongoing feud with Megyn Kelly — it climbed the latter all the way to Fox’s top executives, as they and Trump tried to negotiate a truce that eventually brought him back to the network.
Well it appears as if that first battle may have been just a small sample of the outright war Trump may be about to unleash on Fox News after they refused to dump Megyn Kelly from Thursday night’s moderation panel.
While the focus of his anger so far remains squarely on the debate itself, supporters following this week’s events are beginning to turn a inquisitive eye toward Fox News’ supposed bias against Trump, and the values he represents.
Breitbart has published what may be the first of many conservative-led attacks on Fox News. See who they think is pulling the strings over at Fox News, and the secret agenda he’s peddling on the next page:
Fox News, and all news Medias, this is our election, ‘WE THE PEOPLE’S,’ let us vote for who we want and stop manipulating the facts and figures to fit your agenda.
Fox News is full of intellectual people who believe their intellect is superior to its viewers, however, we are not so stupid that we cannot see that they, and their invited guests, are out to destroy Trump. And I am sure that they are all cognizant of what they are doing, just as I am sure that their righteous egos feel entitled to discern what is best for America, better than its citizens.
Fox, and some of their quests, have not only work a plan of destruction with their words and body language, but the photos they’ve posted on facebook of Trump look crazed and unbecoming. They have not done this to the other candidates. I have never seen an all-out attack quite as vicious, in fact, criminals on their show are treated with more respect.
Megan Kelly, you are transparent cunning vindictive player in this character assassination game regardless of how your colleagues justify your actions and label you ‘professional.’ I have never watched your show after the first debate, nor will I watch Fox News anymore. And it’s not so much that I am pro-Trump as much as I am against powerful and influential organizations manipulating and misusing their positions to control and influence. That is not the role of a news station despite all the fancy words used to defend their actions.
Fox News, and all news Medias, need to be reminded that this is a country ‘of the people and by the people.’ This is ‘OUR ELECTION’ – stop trying to control it.
And Fox, it’s time to get the dictionary out and look up the definitions of ‘fair’ and ‘balanced.’
That is an insult to any American! Who care what a muzzie wants other than leaving our country!
It has nothing to do with M. Kelley, get over it..Trumps fight since day one has always been with FOX. Ailes is a Bush supporter and FOX founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Hidden from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms for illegal aliens in America, the Partnership for a new American Economy! (PNAE)
Virginia nailed it!!!
Murdoch is a Traitor to our country and this is another reason Trump should be our next President!
He has brought out the truth about Murdoch
A recent poll stated 20% of Democrats will cross party line and vote Republican because they could NOT vote for Hillary!
Debbie: I agree that this Muslim woman’s presence is an attempt to take down these candidates on their stance on Muslim immigration. Her presence indicates an assumption that her religious beliefs are equivalent to everyone else’s. The problem with that is that strict Koranic beliefs would dismantle our democracy. …..And the media powers including Rupert Murdoch for whatever reason($) will not acknowledge this.
Well when you shake up the trees, and rake up the leaves you’ll discover what was in the tree. That’s what Trump is doing…Way to go Donald!!!