One of the reasons many of us were heartened when Donald Trump shunned the debate on Fox news Thursday night is because we feel that the networks game the system and push their own agendas rather than seek an honest dialogue between candidates.
This was especially clear when the debate invited a certain questioner to address the candidates. She was a young, well-spoken, attractive and successful Latina who was also an illegal alien who entered the U.S. with her mother back in 1994. She served in the U.S. army in 2006, but it is unclear if she is currently a citizen.
She is certainly not representative of the millions of illegals who have come to this country with low skills and little to offer the economy or society. It is clear that ordinary citizens want a controlled and limited immigration program, but big business and elites such as Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox news want far more immigration in order to hire cheap labor and displace more expensive American citizens in the job market.
And so the young woman was trotted out to ask the candidates their position on immigration, legal and otherwise, and the context was clearly designed to suggest that immigration is good and that all incoming migrants will be a true asset to the country.
Donald Trump has said he opposes unlimited immigration, and it is likely that the young Latina was actually there to embarrass Trump and make him look hard hearted and out of touch with the situation. By not being there, he avoided that confrontation.
Immigration, elites vs ordinary citizens, page 2:
If Fox knows this$#%&!@*is in the U.S. illegally then Fox is guilty of harboring a fugitive. Being in the U.S. as an illegal alien is a criminal act. When the hell are the authorities going to start enforcing the law and deporting the illegals that are her in the U.S.
ship that person back to her country…she is taking from an American….I know thay do not think so.
She isn’t an illegal dumbasses she served in the military and got her citizenship. You do know if the serve they can earned their citizenship and that is what she. Man Trump is bringing out the worst in all of you, and the sick part the democrats will use it against and Trump. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE ALL SUCKERS. TRUMP IS A MANIPULATOR AND HELPING THE DEMOCRATS TO WIN THE WHITE HOUSE. I WONDER EHAT THEY PROMISE HIM IN ORDER TO BACK STABBED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. OH YEAH HE DOES NOT BUILD ANYTHING FOR THE AMERICAN, JUST FOR THE RICH.
Trump was supposed to answer a question from this illegal trash?
If you are a iegal immigrant…this is the kind we want. someone who wants to intergate…go to school and make her life an example of what a good American should be…we welcome them. But not those who are Illegal!!!
Fox is turning into CNN !!!
She should be deported immediately! A candidate shouldn’t be answering to a non American criminal! Fox news should be charged with aiding and abetting a known criminal!
We break laws as USA Born people we are tried and jailed and fined and if a felony it stays for life on your record even if a person did all the court said to do— Yet we have 5 million in our country that broke our law which is a felony to enter Ilegally and YET they never go to court and kailed and fined and a Felony put on there record which would also make them to be deported— Why do Illegals have more rights in American than those Born here and pay the price dealy if break a law—-
Family has been here for almost 400years and I can not ask any questions.
Fox News, I’m afraid, has joined hands with the liberal media. I’m sorry to see Fox go, but I stopped watching the afternoon news programs a while ago. One reason is Shepard Smith, a liberal who, it appears, is Fox’s golden boy. He thinks we should let refugees into our country knowing full well, they won’t be vetted properly. And now this agenda to take down Donald Trump is the final straw for me. Until you return to your conservative roots; Adios!