One of the reasons many of us were heartened when Donald Trump shunned the debate on Fox news Thursday night is because we feel that the networks game the system and push their own agendas rather than seek an honest dialogue between candidates.
This was especially clear when the debate invited a certain questioner to address the candidates. She was a young, well-spoken, attractive and successful Latina who was also an illegal alien who entered the U.S. with her mother back in 1994. She served in the U.S. army in 2006, but it is unclear if she is currently a citizen.
She is certainly not representative of the millions of illegals who have come to this country with low skills and little to offer the economy or society. It is clear that ordinary citizens want a controlled and limited immigration program, but big business and elites such as Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox news want far more immigration in order to hire cheap labor and displace more expensive American citizens in the job market.
And so the young woman was trotted out to ask the candidates their position on immigration, legal and otherwise, and the context was clearly designed to suggest that immigration is good and that all incoming migrants will be a true asset to the country.
Donald Trump has said he opposes unlimited immigration, and it is likely that the young Latina was actually there to embarrass Trump and make him look hard hearted and out of touch with the situation. By not being there, he avoided that confrontation.
Immigration, elites vs ordinary citizens, page 2:
Illegals have no voice in our debates
So why wasn’t she ARRESTED and waiting for deportation??? She broke the law!!! Oh, right, our present government DOESN’T follow the law anymore, only follows OBAMA’S laws he illegally makes!!
What a mess!! God we need some one in the white house to stop this$#%&!@*!!
It’s not an open forum if they are hand picked? Just saying! !!! Pray for our nation 2chronicles 7 : 14 Amen
Crooked, no good bastards. I would have perferred that she be arrested when she identified herself as an illegal. BS. This WH and the previous two administrations have put this country in peril. The unvetted flow is bringing in disease to humans and crops. The drug resistant stains from mexico and central America have taken a toll on the US population. The uninspected produce from mexico and all points south, has brought in agricultural pests that are destroying once robust crops. NAFTA is a terrible policy and clinton let it happen for personal gain. BS. Fox’s attempt to use a young girl to ambush these candidates is a cowardly move. Yes, they are victims but existing legal citizens are victims and they should come first. That is why immigration laws are in place, to protect citizens.The billionaires are trying to buy our elections again. Do not allow the communists to win again.
So wrong dumb$#%&!@*bastard are in Obama’s pocket that ok they can all rot in hell with him
Sure they did!!
Its ok for you not to like Fox, CNN, MBSNBC ect ect and you have power with your remote but remember we live in the USA and thats why they can do what they all do..they don’t have to believe your way or mine…God Bless the USA..and our Constitution! !