Well, well, well. Donald Trump passed on the debate hosted by Fox News Thursday night, and it set tongues wagging. Fox News, of course, is often branded as a biased, right wing media outlet that hires nothing but Republican ideologues. Trump, however, took issue with reporter Megyn Kelly, claiming she was targeting him with her unfair questioning, which seemed strange for a network that is reported to have a conservative bent. Now it seems that Trump may have seen what most have not when a little-noticed list compiled by The Wall Street Journal was released.
The list reveals some very interesting information about just who has been financing the career of Hillary Clinton, as well as the Clinton Foundation, which is reportedly being examined by the FBI to determine who has contributed to the Foundation and if there was a possible quid pro quo implied for political and economic favoritism. It is, after all, the Clinton way.
Who contributed, and how much, page 2:
Shaun Pugh look at the list of their owners and shares….1 particular gent has a ton in the joint….enough to raise the issue of influence. An investment from one of us would be peanuts….
Not hard to figure out that Fox News is another main stream media channel anymore.
So is the pope and George Soros.
We know now why they have joined the mainstream biased way of distorting the truth.
well well who is surprised about that, certainly not me
Totally unconscionable! Watching them less every day!!!
Rupert Murdoch owns he hates the Repubs he wants this to be a socialist country not a free Republic.
This was as predictable as it is laughable. The irony of FOX News, and their goon Megyn Kelly, professing to be “fair and impartial” is priceless, considering that they’re neither. Mr. Trump won the last debate, without even participating in it. FOX News, and their goon Megyn Kelly, are all the more reason why we need Trump now more than ever… #Trump2016!