Well, well, well. Donald Trump passed on the debate hosted by Fox News Thursday night, and it set tongues wagging. Fox News, of course, is often branded as a biased, right wing media outlet that hires nothing but Republican ideologues. Trump, however, took issue with reporter Megyn Kelly, claiming she was targeting him with her unfair questioning, which seemed strange for a network that is reported to have a conservative bent. Now it seems that Trump may have seen what most have not when a little-noticed list compiled by The Wall Street Journal was released.
The list reveals some very interesting information about just who has been financing the career of Hillary Clinton, as well as the Clinton Foundation, which is reportedly being examined by the FBI to determine who has contributed to the Foundation and if there was a possible quid pro quo implied for political and economic favoritism. It is, after all, the Clinton way.
Who contributed, and how much, page 2:
Not anymore!
Major? Not even, has he donated in the past, yes. Trump has also donated to many politicians both republicans and democrats alike.
Michele Van Horn lolo, Iright now he is trying to help her to the whitehouse, so inturn, yes he is.
Sydney Welsh The main thing is he gave way much more to shumer, reid, pelosi, wrandle and many more anti-gun liberals, done business with george soros. How much more do you have to ignore?
Greg Sutphin supports no national candidate…..so your opinion matters why?
Scum the whole bunch with Megan kelly
Jason Ramcke My family . What I propose for America, 2016!
– Cut national debt, I personally cut 33 billion in an hour with no repercussions to We the People plus the $73,830,000+ after the congressional pay cut and billions more CAN be cut.
-Aid to all nations will come to a stop until We get Our house in order. Then We the People will decide who needs it.
-No permit needed to carry. If you qualify, The Constitution gives you the right to carry anywhere, concealed or not. If you can afford it, you can buy it, no special tax stamp, registration,etc.required.
-All “Gun Free Zones” are a thing of the past. Private property excluded, government can’t control them.
-Relax Gun Laws, The Constitution will be the gun laws, background checks mandatory, DEEP AND THOROUGH, from birth to present day, yes you have a right to own a gun,, any gun you want, but We the People also have a right to know you aint some spaced out nut job that is waiting for the chance. We the People are responsible for protecting Our rights. You wouldn’t sell a gun to someone You KNEW had a history of being violent or mean with little to no provocation. Even knowing they don’t have a criminal/mental record would You? We will nip you in the bud.
-no special consideration in bills. The only consideration is whether or not it helps We the People as a whole.
-Harmful chemicals in products consumed by We the People will be removed, food and cigarettes are the big ones on this list. Fix the FDA, possibly close it.
– voter ID and a pulse required
-invoke The FairTax, Repeal the 16th Amendment.
-build Military back to pre-Obama status
-soldiers get pay raises, they sign their lives on the line for Us, that is the least We the People can do for them,
– the VA will be running like a well oiled macheen, yes, macheen,
-benefits that work for all military. I would rather they have it than the scum upon the earth that sends them off to die.
-re-instate all True Brass that Obama purged, relieve dishonorably, any that agreed to follow his orders, and they get the same sentencing for treason the corrupt politicians get.
-abolish all executive orders made by Obama ,
-the NSA is dissolved
-the UN is banned from America. Their law falls on deaf ears in the United States. We the People will not be sending them any more of Our money.
-Mansanto and GMOs are banned.
-English is the National language, you WILL learn it.
-SCOTUS will be replaced with Constitutional judges who don’t make law on the bench. They WILL uphold the U.S. Constitution for We the People, NOT the political class.
-ban islam, islam is government and religion, so that can’t exist here. We have “separation of Church and State” Islam is church and state.
– banish all Islamic Muslims from America, remove their tent cities by any means necessary.
-Deport all illegals, their home country WILL reimburse America for time and money spent to send the law breakers back, or take that much of Americas National Debt upon them.
-close the southern border. Place Military on the border.
-parents MUST be American citizens for children to be American citizens .
-tell foreign “enemy ” countries, if they or any group they harbor, kills an American, their country will not exist in the morning, and We are coming to get each and every U.S. Citizen that you are holding, and the less resistance you put up, the better your country will be when We the People leave.
-Retrieve all uranium the BENGHAZI KILLER sold Putin, it can be done.
-NO Law will be made to restrict freedom of religion. Satanism,, that isn’t a religion.
– convict all politicians in power now for breaking their oath and making laws contradictory to the Constitution. They shall receive the proper sentencing for High Treason, same as the prison population reduction process.
-Close all alphabet agencies, DEA, IRS, BLM, EPA, and so on. To many to name here.
-make revenue from weed, it is helpful for hundreds of ailments, bio-degradable products, heating oil, linen, etc.. Make the big companies sweat a little, while saving the planet. (That’s for the Environmentalist).
-ease restrictions Obama placed on coal, but you will keep it as clean as possible. (again, to appease the environmentalist)
-XL pipe line, no fracking, drill for our own oil. Make sure Our nuclear power plants are safer/better safety measures and up to date. Improve inspections/inspectors. No cutting corners here.
-remove federal government from schools,
– will NOT fund baby KILLERS, sentence those involved in harvesting babies.
-10,000,000% in support of Israel’s Existence!
-We the People will see all bills for days and have a say in them, before any signature is applied.
-The laws written and passed effect We the People, so You have a say in everything.
-social issues will be handled when America is back on Her feet, social$#%&!@*don’t fix the problems America has.
-executive orders will be written left and right, just to remove the restrictions government has placed upon We the People. You, We the People will have a say in all executive orders.,
-Cut all politicians pay,, 36k for Congress, 100k for President, self funded pension. No life time pay, once term is up,,, to the private sector, never to return.
-1 2 year term for senators, up to 2 3year term for President, never hold an elected/public office again. All politicians will provide their own travel expenses.
-All violent, rapist, child molesters, murderers have 24-48 hours to decide, gallows, firing squad or sent to Russia for castration. You will live there. (prison population reduction plan)
-Chain gangs will be reinstated in prisons , no more living it up on We the People’s pocket books
WRITE ME IN 2016! We the People! I will explain the Background checks. It’s common sense and the government has no record of anyone
Some will say this is impossible since congress won’t do anything. I say with congress romoved and replaced with real Americans, not politicians vying for their top spot, this country Will be back to her glory days. Think it can’t happen, learn history, it happened once before here, and it can happen again if you really want America to thrive again. Stop relying on the same peopleTrump is not the one, he is a liberal windbag.who put Us in this position, and Trump has donated to the same people and has the same ideology as they do, actually, he will be more dangerous for We the People than any of them
Trump has divided the right, just as he and hillary had planned. If trump gets the nod, they know alot of us on the right don’t trust him and will not vote for him, therefore, Hillary Roadwhore Clinton will be the next president. Try to think for once. . Remember how many didn’t vote for romney? this is the same thing, but the liberals have got you foolded. How does it feel to be outsmarted by democrats?
Well, well wouldn’t you know. Another media whore putting out.
Pos news
and people are griping about Trump!!!? Especially on Fox News! lolol. Shame on all of them!