After President Obama’s recent address on gun violence and the executive orders he plans on using to close the old “gun show loophole”, many were left wondering if he meant anything he said, or if his words were as fake as his tears. During his speech, he wiped away so many “tears” that it looked like he was having an allergic reaction to something.
As he talked about how “it gets him” whenever he thinks about the kids who lost their lives in Sandy Hook and the various other gun related incidents that have taken place in the United States, liberals all over the country cheered and applauded him.
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He’s also flipping us off while the f**e tears flow.
Crockadils could take lessons from him.
I didnt buy it at nore his stragies to help anyone. We have laws in place how ocome not been enforce.
Q***r bastard
Shoot that dang bird he keeps flipping
He made it so obvious!
He absolutely did something to cause the tears, and he did THAT just to give America the FINGER!
Nothing genuine about this sorry excuse for a president.
Only the blind couldn,t see that this was F**E! Not even TOPSHELF, crybaby with f**e tears.Not even close for Hollywood