After President Obama’s recent address on gun violence and the executive orders he plans on using to close the old “gun show loophole”, many were left wondering if he meant anything he said, or if his words were as fake as his tears. During his speech, he wiped away so many “tears” that it looked like he was having an allergic reaction to something.
As he talked about how “it gets him” whenever he thinks about the kids who lost their lives in Sandy Hook and the various other gun related incidents that have taken place in the United States, liberals all over the country cheered and applauded him.
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Or Vicks vapor rub to the under eyes do the trick every time.
he thinks he is a good actor but he sucks
Ammonia on the fingertips, same as they use in the movies for spontaneous f**e tears
He is beyond f**e, a habitual liar, ignorant are those who believe.
fkn muslimist loser/jail then waterboard in gitmo
He’s a p***y
Obama can f**e cry or cry real tears it don’t matter to me cause he is a f**e and does not care for America or the people he is out for himself and his Muslim brothers and his Agenda to destroy AMERICA……TAKE YOUR F**E TEARS AND SHOVE THEM YOU$#%&!@*OF A HUMAN BEING!
Thats cause he likes to flip us off he does it alot always using that middle finger of his. Pay attention there are all kinds of pictures where he is flippin off the American people.
Impeachment please