Rich Lowry’s statements have caused Trump to boycott Fox News. Does Trump have a legitimate grievance over Fox New’s coverage? Some feel that Trump gets away with saying all sorts of questionable statements, yet when Rich Lowry spoke in such a offensive way toward Trump, Ailes had every right to become furious. Now Ailes must step in and have a “candid meeting about differences… and misunderstandings.”
The statement in question occurred on the Kelly Files on Wednesday. Lowry said, referring to Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett Packard CEO,
“She (sic) cut [Trump’s] balls off with the precision of a surgeon, and he knows it, he knows it.”
Now in an op/ed, this would play better than on national television and Megan Kelly responded as such.
Even Kelly—who also dislikes Trump, clearly—was shocked at what Lowry said live on air, reacting: “What did you just say? You can’t say that!”
Ailes does have a legitimate point of contention in that Fox News is to be fair and balanced. Ailes said that Lowry has “given up the moral high ground” by his statements.
Ailes is mad at Lowry because this move means, in the ongoing war between Fox News and Trump, Fox News has now “given up the moral high ground.” Essentially, Ailes understands, that means his network looks like the unfair aggressor that Trump has accused it of being—rather than a neutral arbiter of the news—all while Trump continues soaring in the 2016 GOP primary polls.
Source: Breitbart
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I like to$#%&!@* See, i can post nonsense also.
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