What a surprise: now that President Obama is soon to be replaced by Donald Trump, the “experts” who made up his cabinet are now admitting that they spent the last eight years cooking the books.
For the duration of his time in office, Americans were led to believe that all was well and that the administration was doing a capable job of leading the country. This impression was helped in no small part by the selective coverage of individuals who worked in Obama’s White House, with those who continued to act as partisans for the president like David Axelrod given platforms for their views and those who were more critical like Leon Panetta ignored and written off.
With the Republicans set to seize the reins of power again however, it appears that the rats are beginning to leave the ship, so to speak.
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Known this all along. Economy sucks,and has for 8 long years
All one had to do was look around to see the truth in this. From jobs that could support a family to no jobs to multiple part time jobs with no benefits or one person doing the jobs of 2 or 3 for a single paycheck – this was the job situation under this jerk. Cooking the books seems to be a specialty of these people.
That’s not news, well it maybe if all you watch or listen to is CNN or pmsnbc.
He didn’t really create those jobs. They were created when Obamacare mandated health coverage to full time workers. Instead of the people working 38-40 hours a week, now the companies have two jobs at 18-20 hours a week.
That’s why there are “more jobs”, yet no increase in productivity.
I-80 in Nevada got paved three times in two years.
All of us deplorables knew it all along ! Just the liptards were buying that BS !
Big drop in real wages as well
YEAAAAAAAH! When a third of the population is out of work. Who didn’t know the Whitehouse and his administration weren’t cooking the books? Gongress needs to fix this and ensure that the facts and figures reported by our government are indeed facts not nonsense. Where in the hell is the press in this country?
The only jobs he created was in WDC. TO MANY PEOPLE HIRED WHO DO NOTHING. California was the richest state for years. Now WDC area is the richest in this country. Do you wonder why? Eric Holder said he had 165,000 people under him any other type and Bill how was he supposed to know what they were doing. Janet Neoplatano had 350,000 and made same comment.
Building Mosque?